01. All Funds Provided Are Unsecured And Uncollateralized To Best Serve You.
02. You Will Be Contacted Within 1-2 Hours To Discuss Your Case 1-on-1 With A Rep.
03. Competitive Rates With The Ability To Match Any Other Competitor’s Rates
By signing below, Each of the above business and business owners/officer and representatives (Individually and collectively, “You") authorize Adventure Funding Group LLC and each of its representatives, successors, assigns and designees and affiliated companies ("recipients") that may be involved with our acquire business/ commercial loans having daily repayment features or purchase of future receivables including Merchant Cash Advances, Term Loans, Line Of Credit And Equipment Financing Transactions, Including without limitation the application therefore (Collectively, “Transactions") to obtain consumer or personal, business and investigate reports and other information about you including credit card processors statements, credit report and bank statements, from one or more consumer reporting agencies such as TransUnion, Experian, And Equifax, and from other credit bureaus, banks, creditors and other third parties. You also authorize Adventure Funding Group LLC to transmit this application form, along with any of the foregoing information obtained in connection with this application, to any and all of the recipients and affiliated companies for the foregoing purposes. You also consent to release, of the recipients, on its own behalf, I authorize Adventure Funding Group LLC, affiliated companies, and recipients to create valid credentials on my behalf until the funding process is complete.